标签 black2b 下的文章



If you are planning to produce checksum for files, you can consider using BLAKE2 is a cryptographic hash function. According to the official site, it is faster than MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3.


package main

import (


func main() {
    fmt.Println("go crypto blake2b_512 demo. blake2b hash file demo. blake2b hash file example.")
    str1 := "https://const.net.cn"
    str2 := "/"
    w, _ := blake2b.New512(nil)
    io.WriteString(w, str1)
    io.WriteString(w, str2)
    hash := w.Sum(nil)
    hashstr := fmt.Sprintf("blake2b_512 = %x ,blake2b_512 len = %d", hash, len(hash))

    //blake2b_512 hash file
    hasher, _ := blake2b.New512(nil)

    path := "/const/net/cn/file"
    f, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {

    defer f.Close()

    if _, err := io.Copy(hasher, f); err != nil {

    filehash := hasher.Sum(nil)
    encodedHex := hex.EncodeToString(filehash[:])
    fmt.Printf("/const/net/cn/file hash = %s", encodedHex)


echo -n "https://const.net.cn/" > /const/net/cn/file
go run .
go crypto blake2b_512 demo. blake2b hash file demo. blake2b hash file example.
blake2b_512 = 4331451a749ca61a9d10f856f5eef9c453c34df8f519d21d2e336037aada9d9f0a234477ea8c44157dcd5349b993c65f5a22ddc8703e30041bba5679b5ecd936 ,blake2b_512 len = 64
/const/net/cn/file hash = 4331451a749ca61a9d10f856f5eef9c453c34df8f519d21d2e336037aada9d9f0a234477ea8c44157dcd5349b993c65f5a22ddc8703e30041bba5679b5ecd936