git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
sudo ln -s /home/const/vcpkg/vcpkg /usr/bin
vcpkg list
ade:x64-linux 0.1.1f#1 ADE Framework is a graph construction, manipulat...
angle:x64-linux 2020-05-15#2 A conformant OpenGL ES implementation for Window...
assimp:x64-linux 5.0.1#4 The Open Asset import library
brotli:x64-linux 1.0.9#1 a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm...
bzip2:x64-linux 1.0.8#1 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-q...
curl:x64-linux 7.74.0#7 A library for transferring data with URLs
curl[non-http]:x64-linux Enables protocols beyond HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2
curl[openssl]:x64-linux SSL support (OpenSSL)
curl[ssl]:x64-linux Default SSL backend
vcpkg search 用法
vcpkg search opencv4
vcpkg search opencv4
opencv4 4.5.2 computer vision library
opencv4[ade] graph api
opencv4[contrib] opencv_contrib module
opencv4[cuda] CUDA support for opencv
opencv4[dnn] Enable dnn module
opencv4[eigen] Eigen support for opencv
opencv4[ffmpeg] ffmpeg support for opencv
opencv4[gdcm] GDCM support for opencv
opencv4[halide] Halide support for opencv
opencv4[ipp] Enable Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
opencv4[jasper] JPEG 2000 support for opencv
opencv4[jpeg] JPEG support for opencv
opencv4[lapack] LAPACK support for opencv
opencv4[nonfree] allow nonfree and unredistributable libraries
opencv4[openexr] OpenEXR support for opencv
opencv4[opengl] opengl support for opencv
opencv4[openmp] Enable openmp support for opencv
opencv4[ovis] opencv_ovis module
opencv4[png] PNG support for opencv
opencv4[qt] Qt GUI support for opencv
opencv4[quirc] Enable QR code module
opencv4[sfm] opencv_sfm module
opencv4[tbb] Enable Intel Threading Building Blocks
opencv4[tiff] TIFF support for opencv
opencv4[vtk] vtk support for opencv
opencv4[webp] WebP support for opencv
opencv4[world] Compile to a single package support for opencv