mqtt mid 说明
查看函数:int mosquitto_publish(struct mosquitto *mosq,int *mid,const char *topic,int payloadlen,const void * payload,int qos,bool retain)
mid pointer to an int. If not NULL, the function will set this to the message id of this particular message. This can be then used with the publish callback to determine when the message has been sent. Note that although the MQTT protocol doesn’t use message ids for messages with QoS=0, libmosquitto assigns them message ids so they can be tracked with this parameter.
mid a pointer to an int. If not NULL, the function will set this to the message id of this particular message. This can be then used with the subscribe callback to determine when the message has been sent.
on_subscribe(struct mosquitto *mq, void *obj, int mid, int qos_count, const int * granted_qos)