主要就是解析ASN.1 BER编码的二进制数据,ASN.1本身只定义了表示信息的抽象句法,但是没有限定其编码的方法。各种ASN.1编码规则提供了由ASN.1描述其抽象句法的数据的值的传送语法(具体表达)。标准的ASN.1编码规则有基本编码规则(BER,Basic Encoding Rules)、规范编码规则(CER,Canonical Encoding Rules)、唯一编码规则(DER,Distinguished Encoding Rules)、压缩编码规则(PER,Packed Encoding Rules)和XML编码规则(XER,XML Encoding Rules)。
ASN1_get_object() parses the identifier and length octets of a BER-encoded value. On function entry, ber_in is expected to point to the first identifier octet. If the identifier and length octets turn out to be valid, the function advances ber_in to the first content octet before returning.

If the identifier octets are valid, ASN1_get_object() stores the tag number in ptag and the class of the tag in pclass. The class is either V_ASN1_UNIVERSAL or V_ASN1_APPLICATION or V_ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC or V_ASN1_PRIVATE.

If the length octets are valid, too, ASN1_get_object() stores the number encoded in the length octets in plength. If the length octet indicates the indefinite form, plength is set to 0.

ASN1_get_object() inspects at most omax bytes. If parsing of the length octets remains incomplete after inspecting that number of bytes, parsing fails with ASN1_R_HEADER_TOO_LONG.

Bits set in the return value of ASN1_get_object() have the following meanings:

An error occurred. One of the ERRORS described below has been set.
The encoding is constructed rather than primitive, and the identifier and length octets are valid.
The length octet indicates the indefinite form. This bit can only occur if V_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED is also set.
Consequently, the following combinations can occur:

A valid primitive encoding.
A valid constructed encoding, definite form.
A valid constructed encoding, indefinite form.
Either a primitive encoding with a valid tag and definite length, but the content octets won't fit into omax, or parsing failed. Use ERR_GET_REASON(3) to distinguish the two cases.
A constructed encoding with a valid tag and definite length, but the content octets won't fit into omax.
The bit combinations 0x01, 0x81, and 0xa1 cannot occur as return values.


ASN1_OCTET_STRING* octet_str = X509_EXTENSION_get_data(extension);
const unsigned char* octet_str_data = octet_str->data;
long xlen;
int tag, xclass;
int ret = ASN1_get_object(&octet_str_data, &xlen, &tag, &xclass, octet_str->length);
printf("value: %s\n", octet_str_data);


static bool asn1_parse_integer(const unsigned char **asn1data_pos, long length, BIGNUM *bn_result) {
    debug_printf("> asn1_parse_integer(%p, %li, %p)\n",
                 (void *) asn1data_pos, length, (void *) bn_result);
    bool result = true;
    long len;
    int ret, tag, xclass;
    ret = ASN1_get_object(asn1data_pos, &len, &tag, &xclass, length);
    if (ret & 0x80) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ASN1_get_object() failed\n");
        result = false;
    if (tag != V_ASN1_INTEGER) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid tag for ASN1: %d (%s)\n", tag, ASN1_tag2str(tag));
        result = false;
    if (result) {
        ASN1_INTEGER *temp = ASN1_INTEGER_new();
        if (!c2i_ASN1_INTEGER(&temp, asn1data_pos, len)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "d2i_ASN1_INTEGER() failed\n");
            result = false;
        ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(temp, bn_result);

    debug_printf("< asn1_parse_integer(): %u\n", result);
    return result;

标签: none
