ACME 可能是这个的缩写(Autonomous and Connected Mobility Evaluation)
This is default tool that comes with the LTE-V2X Development Platform
(OBU/RSU) to interface with LTE-V2X RSU/OBU. It enables sending and receiving of raw
application layer byte arrays.



acme -G


acme -G -R

//Receives and displays all received packets.

acme -RV

//same as above but dumps the hex content.

acme -RVd    

//Will setup 2 SPS flows ala J2945/1

acme -VV -o1 -r300 -M500 -a -r200 -I100 -M100 -o1 

//Sends GNSS data and tunnel mode info as trusted, time confidence level 3, position confidence level 5

acme -gT t:3:5  

//Setup SPS flow with pool id 1

acme -VV -o1 -r300 -M500 -j1 


acme -h

Usage: acme [-i <interface>] ... 
  A generic test tool used as either a packet sender(default), reciver(-R) or echo (-e)
  can also optionally be used as a UDP -> PC5 proxy or vice-versa

  Defaults: interface=rmnet_data1, no dump, SPS TX, v2x_id=1, sps_port=2500 event_port=2600 UEID=1 dest_ip=ff02::1:9000
-A              ASCII dump packet data after sequence#
-a              Additional SPS/Event Flow Pair. Subsequent -E,-I,-r -o flow params will apply to new reservation
-b<interval sec>  Reporting interval for receive stats, set to 0 to disable, use default interval if not specified
-C              Config File Path to set IP Address and Interface
-d              dump raw packet
-D <dest ip6>   Destination IPV6 address[ Default=ff02::1]
-p <dest port>  port number that the destination traffic is sent to.[Default=9000]
-e              Echo Mode. Re-TX each received message (via event port)
-E              Event flow mode instead of SPS
-F              Use event port of SPS flow registration
-g              Include GNSS data, velocity, and heading in packets if possible
-G <IP addr>    IP address of the kinematics server
-s <sps_port>   SPS port#.  Overrides the default of 2500. +1 for each added flow
-t <evt_port>   Event driven port# .  Overrides the default of 2600 +1 for each added flow.
-i <if_name>    Interface name as found in listing by ifconfig
-I <milliseconds> interval for generating packets & any initial SPS reservation flow
-u <microseconds> Alternative to -I, microseconds for finer control.
-N <nanoseconds>  Alternative to -I, nanosecond interval.
-j <tx_pool_id> TX Pool ID
-J <latitude,longitude,altitude> Override GNSS data with given values.
-k <qty>        Quit after <qty> packets received or transmitted
-l <bytes [bytes] ... >   List of Payload Lengths in bytes, at least one length required
                          specify multiple payloads. TX  will send one packet of each lengths in sequence.
                           maximum number of length sequence 1000 different lengths.
-M <millsec>    Specify reservation in milliseconds, multiple allowed when used with -a for multi-flow.
-m <filename>   Log file, Machine readable of each Tx/Rx packet.
-o <priority>   Traffic ID (typically between 0-2)
-P <V2X ID>     V2X session ID to be used
-q              Quiet
-r <res size>   Reservation size for SPS flow in bytes
-R              RECEIVE mode, default is TX
-S <seq#>       optional sequence number to start on.
-T <UE info>    Enable TX tunnel mode. 
                Format <t|m>/(Optional)<alt_time_s>:<time_conf>:<pos_conf>
                Send L2 ID, time confidence, and position confidence in packets.
                If <time_conf> == 0, acme will use time confidence reported from modem.
                If <pos_conf> == 0, acme will compute position confidence from GNSS fix.
                Acme will switch from t/m and vice versa every <alt_time_s> seconds
-w <RV timeout ms>,<Update period ms>
                Enable RX tunnel mode.
                Send trusted / malicious ID updates with data received from RVs.
                RV is removed from update list <RV timeout>(ms) after last RX.
                Trusted UE info update msg sent every <Update period>(ms)
-U <UEID>       1 Byte UE Identifier, prepended on TX payload, default=1, give each Tx a unique ID
-W <peak_tx_power>,<mcs_index>,<retx_setting>,<tx_pool_id>
                Peak TX pwr in dbm
                Retransmit policy: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, and 2 = don't care
-V              Increase verbosity level +1 for each -V, default=0
-Z              Use syslog instead of stdout for SDK debug/info/errors

标签: none


  1. user9840 user9840

    我用SDK想做V2V功能,想測試兩塊板子互相發射tx/rx 想知道說她們的傳送原理,比較好改code。
