多项研究证实:学习真的会让人快乐!--经济·科技--人民网 update:2021-10-28







Referenced from:http://finance.people.com.cn/n1/2021/1028/c1004-32266945.html

Learning is as simple as thriving to achieve the knowledge of a certain life attribute. According to https://fiorreports.com/learning-is-a-surefire-way-to-be-happy-science-proves-it/ Fior Reports , learning can be applied in terms of relationships, career, and nature--- during child development. It is an essential factor that will dictate what character we will be having in the future. Learning is a thriving approach that needs skill and development to define our capabilities.
Self-confidence is among the factors that link happiness to learning. An individual could attain self-confidence if they have the best knowledge inside the room, and this brings a lot of happiness to oneself. Through this knowledge, people could contribute to a certain idea based on their leanings and experiences while gaining likability. Self-confidence contributes not just to a specific problem but also to the person itself. A study led by Oxford University shows that people who are more fond of studying tend to boost their likeability and influence, which is beneficial for forming a positive relationship and strengthening more knowledge. This study was published in the journal https://academic.oup.com/oep/article-abstract/70/2/538/4917356?redirectedFrom=fulltext Oxford Economic Papers , titled "University education and non-cognitive skill development."
Referenced from:https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/34018/20211018/happiness-earned-through-learning-correlation-backed-up-science.htm


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